Day 2

This morning was rougher than yesterday, but that did not deter me from getting out of bed and committing to a 45 minute walk on the treadmill. My body is definitely tired from yesterday's unusual peak in exercise, but it also feels good. I feel good. Physically, at least.

Mentally, I am majorly PMSing, which for me means I know I'm in a bad mood and usually all that console me is junk food, teary rom-coms, and left alone. I stuck to my diet plan, allowing one of my Flex Snacks for the week be a small serving of Fritos. One perk of Nutrisystem is that it truly is teaching me portion control. This is an area I've struggled over the past couple years. I used the "Nutrisystem portion" in my snack proportioning, and was surprised that even the small taste of my usual salty-crutch was enough to satisfy. 

By the end of the day, I did notice a bit of a fatigue headache scratching at my temples. I'm thinking my calories are too low, especially with my increased workout regimen. I mean, I ate under 1400 calories and burned over 600 in exercising today! My body is probably in shock. I'm going to watch how my body overcomes the exertion changes over the next week, but I may start adding protein shakes into my diet to increase calorie intake -- I would like to aim for around 1500 daily consumed if I am going to be burning at least 500 daily just in workouts.

Drink water, Ashley. Drink it. 

I have never really been one to drink a lot of anything, not specifically water alone. Growing up, I loved milk, but never was a juice, soda, tea, etc. type of kid. Like Andy said, this water challenge is difficult because it honestly should be the easiest goal to check off my daily list. Yet it's not! Today, for example, by the time 4:00pm rolled around (and I had a half an hour left of work) I realized I still had 48 ounces of water to drink before coming home. So I sipped a bit... By 4:20pm, there was still a good 40 ounces in my Bubba. So, going against all the excuses my bitch voice was throwing my way, ("You can drink it at home." being the top excuse.) I chugged the remaining 40 ounces during my last 10 minutes of work. I felt sloshing afterwards, but I got it done! Sometimes I have to strong-arm my own mind into obeying.

On a whole other note, I'm not typically a nonfiction-type of reader, but "Can't Beat Me" has not been difficult to pick up and scroll through these last couple of days. David Goggins writes extremely well and the story, which is intriguing in it's own right, also carries such pertinent notes to today's social climate. The first chapter was eye-opening, and I am already looking forward to tomorrow's addition. 


  • Follow a diet -- Nutrisystem

  • (2) 45 minute workouts
    Workout #1 at 6:00am -- 45 minute treadmill walk with outdoor jump roping again

    Workout #2 at 5:00pm -- workout with Beachbody's #mbf (Week 1, Day 2 -- 32 minutes) followed by a 15 minute walk

  • No alcohol or cheat meals -- Check!

  • Take a progress picture -- Check!

  • Drink 1 gallon of water
    34/128 ounces -- during morning workout
    106/128 ounces -- by end of work
    140/128 ounces -- by bedtime

  • Read 10 pages of nonfiction book
    Continued David Goggins' "Can't Hurt Me" biography -- 16 pages read


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